Intro to Ayurveda
Ayurveda is a branch of Vedic science, first discovered 5000 years ago in India. It is one of the oldest forms of traditional healing practices, which translates to “mother of…
A Beginners’ Guide to Yoga
If you decided to roll out a mat and start practicing yoga, there is something you should know – all the ancient physical and mental exercises will be revealed…
Spend 6 Minutes Jumping Rope Every Day to Get a Toned Body
As a familiar childhood game for many people, skipping rope helps relieve stress, improve cardiovascular health , and practice flexibility and endurance. Jumping rope is a sport suitable for all ages. With just…
9 Typical Mistakes When Exercising that You Need to Avoid
Gym training is becoming more and more popular among people, not only is it a healthy exercise, but exercising properly also helps to improve physique and strengthen muscles effectively. However, exercising…