As a familiar childhood game for many people, skipping rope helps relieve stress, improve cardiovascular health , and practice flexibility and endurance.
Jumping rope is a sport suitable for all ages. With just a jump rope and a moderate space, players can practice at any time and in many places: home yard, park, living room, etc.
Health benefits not to be missed
There’s no need to do a lot of complicated movements, but jumping rope offers a lot of health benefits:
Regulating heart rate: When jumping rope, the body is constantly moving with high intensity, requiring a faster heart rate to pump blood around the body, helping to improve blood circulation, preventing diseases of the heart. heart disease, stroke.
Burn calories, help the body toned: According to Women’s Health magazine, jumping rope ranks highest in the list of effective calorie-burning exercises. The energy-burning rate of jumping rope is from 667 calories to 990 calories per hour. If you compare skipping rope for 30 minutes and jogging in the same time, skipping rope will burn more calories.
Improve bone health: As a load-bearing exercise with the requirement of putting weight on the entire skeleton, jumping rope helps to strengthen bones, develop stably, and avoid osteoporosis. For young children or teenagers at puberty, jumping rope helps the shoulder and knee joints work continuously, stimulates the development of joint cartilage, thereby supporting effective height development.
Improve breathing rate: Besides helping to increase endurance, jumping rope also improves breathing efficiency, helping the body absorb more oxygen. This helps positively if you play other sports that require a lot of endurance such as swimming, martial arts or football, avoiding shortness of breath during practice.
Jump rope 6 minutes / day to own a balanced body, improve health
According to the American College of Sports Medicine, jumping rope is a sport that helps regulate breathing and should be highly recommended. To promote heart and lung health, we should jump rope 3 to 5 times per week, each time for 12 to 20 minutes.
In addition, with the jump rope moves below, we only need to perform each movement for 1 – 6 minutes / day to burn energy effectively.
Two-legged jump (1 minute): This is the most basic type of jump rope, making it easy for beginners to get used to before moving on to more complex movements. Once we have mastered it, we can gradually increase the speed.
Single-legged jump (2 minutes): For 60 seconds, bend your left knee, jumping rope only with your right foot (be careful to land lightly with your knee bent to avoid any possible muscle strain). After 60 seconds, switch to the left leg jump for the same time.
Alternate leg jump (1 minute): This jump rope move is more complicated because it requires coordination and agility of the legs. First, bring the rope forward, jumping over the rope with your right foot. When the rope comes back, switch legs, jumping over the rope with your left foot. Continue alternating between left and right for 60 seconds. If not familiar, we can do two jumps with the right foot first, then switch sides.
Split jump (1 minute): This is a more complex move that improves the coordination ability of the practitioner. When we bring the rope forward, we jump over the rope with both feet at the same time. As you bring the rope around, jump your feet up and hip-width apart. Then, pinch your feet to jump over the rope in a narrow position. Continue alternating between opening and retracting your legs for 60 seconds. When jumping rope in this way, we need to observe the movement of the rope to avoid missing a beat.
Double jump 2 times (1 minute): This is a really challenging move. When jumping up, bring the rope in two full rotations under your feet before landing. This requires the jump to be a bit high to give the practitioner time to swing the rope around twice. At this point, squeeze your abs to make the jump faster and stronger.
Jumping rope is a simple physical activity that can be done anytime and anywhere, with just a jump rope. Watch the animated video below to find out which style of skipping rope you like best and consider including this exercise in your daily practice to improve your health and spirit from today:
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